Ambassador Program



WBN’s Ambassador Program matches new members attending monthly events with current members to facilitate introductions and act as an overall resource.


How the program works

Ambassadors are unofficially known as the “WBN Welcoming Committee”!

It is no secret that “surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, will impact your success.” It is the strength of this network and your involvement that will help to form this foundation. To deliver the most valuable and inspirational WBN experience for members and volunteers, the Membership Committee launched the WBN Ambassador Program.



  • WBN Ambassadors are matched with guests and new members attending our WBN events. Ambassadors provide a warm welcome, introduction to other members in attendance, and function as an overall resource. New members and guests greatly benefit from this support as well as education on WBN membership benefits
  • When joining the program, Ambassadors receive step-by-step guidelines and support, allowing them to feel prepared and fulfill their responsibilities in an easy and friendly manner
  • If someone is unsure about a volunteer commitment and joining a committee, the Ambassador Program is a great way to “dip your toe in” as a volunteer! It allows you to meet people, get to know the WBN, and get a better feel for being a volunteer

How To Get Involved

For more info about the role, to discuss your interest, and apply, please contact the Ambassador Lead:

Gile Beaudoin – Ambassador Lead


When We Meet and Time Commitment

The Ambassador Program is part of the Membership Committee. Beyond the monthly committee meeting, being an Ambassador requires no further time commitment than the events you would already be choosing to attend yourself

  • Our monthly committee meeting takes place on the fourth THURSDAY of the month, from 3:30 – 4:15 PM
  • Location: Zoom